Monday, February 25, 2008

Food Fight

Dinnertime has become a battle of wills with my 3-year-old. Thus far, I'm losing. Badly.

Up until recently, the girl would eat anything you put in front of her.
  • Spicy ✓ (check)
  • Cheesy (check)
  • Steak(check)
  • Chicken(check)
  • Shrimp (check)
  • Pasta of all shapes and sizes (check)
Now, she won't even eat spaghetti and tomato sauce.

She will eat Kraft Easy Mac - EVERY FRICKIN DAY for lunch. She'll eat breakfast usually with no problem. But say the word "supper," and cue Michael Buffer -- "Let's get ready to rumble!!!"

We've tried offering rewards of dessert.

We've tried timeouts.

We've tried nothing until breakfast.

We've tried letter her sit there until its gone.

The weird thing is that in lieu of eating her dinner the other night, she voluntarily ate 2 whole carrots!

Her will is strong, and I'm just too tired to fight. My wife refuses to cook two different meals each night, and neither of us wants to resort to Easy Mac each night.

Could it be that her palette has just changed, or is this just a total toddler power play?

I don't get it. Time for lunch.


kristin said...

i am not looking forward to this aspect of parenthood. i know it will be bad with my kids as revenge because i was SO horrible with my parents. have you tried, "if you eat ____ you get some mac and cheese?" i know its a pain but with the invention of microwavable mac and cheese it wouldn't be terrible.... gotta love bribery... Good Luck!

jMc said...

We've tried ice cream as a bribe, since the mac & cheese is usually lunch. It works some times :)

When did feeding our children become more involved that salary arbitration? I wonder if Ryan Howard used to negotiate with his folks over food?