Friday, February 29, 2008

Not It!

One of the great things about having moved for this new job is that I actually get to go home and eat lunch with my family just about every day. It breaks up the day nicely, and I get to spend a few minutes with my wife and kids.

Yesterday, I get no farther than two blocks away and the cell phone rings. It's my wife, whom I just left 30 seconds ago. The conversation goes as follows:

Me: Hey.
Her: You did that on purpose!
Me: Huh?
Her: The baby's stinky!
Me: LOL!

Now you have to understand that Amy has this tendency to hold off of changing a dirty diaper until I get home. She doesn't let him go all day, but if I'm en route, he's waiting. And if I'm physically present, you know he's coming my way.

She is home with the kids all day and changes the majority of the diapers, so it's fair. But she's sneaky about it. She'll walk over to me, hand me the baby, and say, "Here, take your son." It's only when the aroma hits me that I realize I've been had.

We actually have friends that do rock-paper-scissors when it comes to changing their son's diapers. I tried that once. Apparently, rock, paper and scissors all lose when the other person doesn't throw down.

Needless to say, I got quite the chuckle when I learned I managed to get out of dodge before the eruption occurred. Of course, she wasn't buying it. She accused me of ... well, pulling an Amy.

So when I get home, and Sean is happily lying on the blanket, I pick him up to give him a hug and...

Sniff, sniff.


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