Tuesday, July 1, 2008

All Good Things...

I don't have a long elaborate story. No amusing anecdotes this time. Simply, an acknowledgment of a job well done.

Both my kids were good at Mass! Cue the Hallelujia Chorus!

No timeouts.

No threats.

Our church offers donuts, juice and coffee after Mass, and we've used that as incentive to behave. If she's extra good, we'll walk over to the swings and slides that are on the property for a few minutes.

Rarely have we achieved "S&S" status lately.

But Sunday... Sunday was different.

Sunday was good!

We get outside... and it starts raining.

Having learned my lesson from "The Meltdown," I decided that unless a Cat 5 hurricane starts blowing, CJ's getting her swings and slides.

Thankfully, the Good Lord held the heavy stuff off and we were able to play for a good 15 minutes.

Perhaps she's growing up. Perhaps she's finally hearing us.

Or perhaps we just brought the right toys this week.

No matter the reason, we were thrilled to actually get through Mass without feeling we went 10 rounds.

And we made sure to let CJ know just how proud we were of her.

Here's hoping for two in a row!

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